New Constitution   View Here

The Committee decided it was time we updated our Constitution. We have worked on this over the last three months, involving our Auditor, Kevin King in the discussions. The outcome, as approved by the committee on 14th September 2020, is the new document shown here. It must have approval of members at an AGM before it can be adopted.

It is therefore Resolved that:

The Orewa Bridge Club Incorporated Constitution and Rules (Revised 2020)

be adopted.

On behalf of the committee this is Moved by: Alison Beer, Treasurer

and seconded by: Michael England, Secretary


Many of the changes we have made were necessary merely to reflect the way the Club actually operates in the year 2020 versus twenty years and more ago. One meaningful change has been made:

  • AUDITOR. The requirement for the Club to have our accounting records audited has been deleted from our Constitution. Our present auditor, Kevin King, supports this move. He believes that our financial procedures are good.

    There has been no legal requirement that our Club be audited. The 2019 incorporated Societies Bill, expected to be enacted after its final reading later this year, requires clubs such as ours to be audited only if their expenses exceed $2million or assets exceed $4million. Our club’s assets and annual expenses are significantly less than those figures.

Two other changes that may be of interest to members are the setting out of committee responsibilities in Clauses 11 and 15

  • 11. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE, This summarizes what is expected of our President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

  • 15. FINANCE POLICY, a new clause replaces the previous “FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS” clause. In this, the responsibilities of the committee of ensuring that the Club has a sound and sensible financial policy are made specific. This new list is more extensive than the responsibilities conveyed by the previous wording.